Friday, May 23, 2014

The end is near!!!!

It is unbelievable how fast the year is coming to an end!  

It has been so rewarding to see how far each and every one your children have come.  We have worked and played so hard and we have learned so much together.  We still have more to do and learn.  Please feel free to email with any questions you have for things to do over the summer or iPad apps/ websites to help your child with maintaining the skills they have learned throughout the year.

The links to the right of the blog are some wonderful websites for the students to use.  Here are some  apps you may find fun and useful but also educational;

For those of you whose oldest children are in kindergarten this year, it's amazing how fast it goes.  To put it in perspective, my oldest son just graduated from high school this week.  I remember his first day of kindergarten  in 2001 so well and all the things he learned that helped him be the successful student he is today.   I was much more emotional at his high school graduation, then when he started kindergarten. But I do think it is true:  everything I ever really need to know I learned in kindergarten. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

McNicholas readers

We had some special visitors today.  The English classes at McNicholas have been coming to school all week bringing picture books to read to the primary classroooms.   Today we had Seniors read to us.  They sure looked big!  Here are some pictures of what was happening. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring is here!

All week we have been discussing signs of spring.  Today we completed sentence frames that started with:  I know it is spring because...........  I was so impressed with the job they did I wanted to share them with you. 

 I will put these together and bind them to make a class book and put it in the basket labeled classroom publishing. I pass out these books at the end of the year and everyone gets to take home around 3 books we "published."  The difference in their work from the beginning of the year is amazing!

Monday, April 7, 2014

What's Happening This Week?

I hoe you enjoyed reading your student's How to be Just Like Jesus books they authored as well as the bird books I am very proud of them and their work on these. 

In LA we will be learning to read, write and spell the popcorn words has and play.  We will also be learning the  long Ii sound using the i_e spelling pattern.  Our thematic unit this week will be Spring where we will be discussing signs of spring.  In Math, we will be reviewing higher number identification and addition.  In Religion, we will be finishing up The Stations of the Cross.  

Friday, spring pictures will be taken,  the students may come out of uniform. All pictures are taken and may be purchased if you wish after the fact. 

Over the last couple of weeks I have read several book by the author Mo Williams.  The students LOVED them. Here is a link to the authors website:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Birds! Birds! Birds!

We have had so much fun learning about the birds we may see in our backyard over the last couple of weeks.  We read many fiction and non-fiction books about birds and learned facts about them.  We also enjoyed seeing videos and hearing the songs and calls of the different birds we learned about. 

This is the great website we went to to see videos and hear the birds.

Happy bird watching! 

Monday, March 31, 2014

What's Happening This Week?

Happy Opening Day!  We enjoyed wearing our red for the Reds. 

This week, we will be learning many new concepts.  We will be working on many different comprehension skills this week, such as sequencing, identifying characters and setting, making text to self connections and much more. We will also be starting long vowel sounds.  This week we will devote to long A (a_e).   In Writer's Workshop we will be learning about adding exact verbs, feelings  and adjectives to our writing.  In Math, we will be classifying data and graphing.  In Religion, we will be talking more about the Stations of the Cross. We will continue our thematic unit learning more about birds and completing a bird booklet.

On Friday, we will be using our normal library time 9:55-10:30 to go to the book fair.  This one is buy one get one free. 

Enjoy the beautiful weather the next couple of days!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What's Happening This Week?

First through 7th grade is testing all week, so our schedule will be a little different as well.  But, through it all we will continue to be hard working learners(with a lot of fun too)!

This week in Language Arts, we will finish the last 2 letters of the alphabet Yy and Zz.  We will learn the popcorn words this and what.  In Writer's Workshop we will be learning how to stretch out sentences to make great sentences with a who, what, when, where and why. 

In Math, we are learning about measurement and how to compare the height, length and weight of objects. 

In Social Studies we are learning about American Symbols.

In Religion we will continue to learn about the Stations of the Cross. 

Below is a video of the student dancing and singing along to a fun song titled "Bear to the Left"  Enjoy!

  Also, I am all out of disinfecting wipes so if you could donate a bottle that would be great. 

Have a great week!