Monday, September 30, 2013

What's Happening This Week?

This week we will be doing many fun things!  In Language Arts we will be learning the letter Ss and it's sound and blending letters Ss with Aa and Mm to read words.  We will also learn the sight word see.  We will continue to learn about nouns being naming words that name a person, place or thing.  And we will be talking about non-fiction texts. 

In Math, we will learn the number 8 and 9, ways to make eight and nine, and compare numbers 0-9. 

In Science, we will be discussing how an apple grows, parts of a tree and the seasons of an apple tree.

In Religion, we will be discussing the ways to pray.

Next week on Monday, interim reports will be coming home.   Also look for an email for parent teacher conferences.  They will be held the week of Oct 21. I will send home a schedule of available times. 

Friday, September 27, 2013


COSI was great! It was all about Chemistry this year.  Thanks to all the moms and dads who volunteered.  The children made some slime, which was a big hit.    We first went to a whole group session and later we were able to do all the fun stations and experiments.  I would like to say a huge thank you  to the PTA for providing the funds needed for this wonderful science enrichment oppotunity.  Coming home is a nice letter from COSI, eplaining what we did today, as well as a coupon to go to COSI in Columbus.  Have a great weekend!

Here they are in action!

Monday, September 23, 2013

What's Happening This Week?

As always, we are very busy in kindergarten!  This week we will have a visit from COSI on Friday.  It is always a wonderful science enrichment opportunity. We will attend a whole group session earlier in the morning, and then go to the stations later in the day. 

 We will also be attending our first grade level mass on Thursday at 8:15 with the 1st through 3rd graders.  Anyone is welcome to come to mass.  Sometimes it's nice to have an extra pair of hands in church, especially the first time we go as a class. In addition, we will be going to church music on Tuesday afternoon.

In Language Arts, we will be learning the popcorn word we, how to make letter Aa, the short sound of Aa, and blending /a/ with /m/.  In Writer's Workshop we will talk about leaving spaces between words, that writing goes left to right and top to bottom, and that letters make up words and words make up sentences. 

 In Math, we will be learning all about numbers 6 and 7 and doing some extra practice writing our numbers.

Our thematic unit will be all about apples.  We will learn about Johnny Appleseed and do a science experiment involving apples.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Here are some great photos from Applefest.  It was a wondeful and education field trip. If you ever have the time to go to Sharon Woods and the Heritage Village, it is beautiful.  We did get a little rain, but we didn't melt.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thank you!

Thank you all so much for all the cards and flowers.  What a wonderful surprise!  Thank you to Mrs. Smith for being able to pull it off.  My birthday is so early in the school year, that this rarely happens.  What a treat.  Look how beautiful the flower arrangement turned out.  It couldn't have been more beautiful if it was put together by the florist!

We had a wonderful time at Applesfest yesterday.  I forgot to take my phone for pictures, but as soon as the pictures Mrs. Christen took are downloaded I will upload them on here for you all to see. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

What's Happening This week?

This week we will be going to Applefest on Wednesday the 18th.  It should be a great time!  We will be back to school in time to have lunch here at school.

In Language Arts, we will be learning how to correctly form the letter Mm and the sound the letter Mm makes.  We will also be learning the sight word the.  We will be discussing that good readers use the comprehension strategy asking and answering questions to help them understand stories better.  We are continuing along in Writer's Workshop using ilustrations and words to write.

In Math, we will be using matching and counting strategies to help us compare sets that are equal, less than and greater than.

In Social Studies we will finish our I can be me!  Books.  In religion, we will be discussing ways to show love to God, and that God created us because he loves us so much. 

Coming home today is some extra handwriting practice for the letter Mm.  I also copied a page that shows the correct way to form the letters.  Please have the students complete those sometime during the week and return back to me.   This is  very important.  We need to make sure that the students make their letters correctly, hold the pencil correctly and start from the top not the bottoms.  Many of the children need extra practice to doing this.  One way is to practice the handwriting, but it is also important that they be given activities that improve their fine motor skills to increase the strength in their hands and forearms.  Thanks!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Color words

We learn so much in kindergarten!  And as I mentioned before, we have learned how to read and identify the color words including:

To help us learn these color words we used many strategies including music.  Here is a fun song we sing to help us remember these words.  If your children are still having trouble reading these words, this would be  great way to give them some extra practice in reading and spelling them.

Monday, September 9, 2013

What's happening this week?

As always, it's another busy week in kindergarten.  We are adjusting well to being at school all day and doing a nice job of learning the routines and procedures of the day. 

 This week in Language Arts we will be reviewing sight words I and can and the color words red, blue, yellow, green, orange, pink, purple, brown, black, and white.  We will discuss information text and fiction.  In Writer's workshop we will start using our Writing Journals for writing-very exciting!  In Math we will take our first chapter test on number 0-5 and start chapter 2 comparing sets.  Our Thematic Unit we be:  All About Me.  In Religion, we will be discussing that God made us all and made each one of us special. 

Coming home today is a permission slip form for Applefest at Sharon Woods.  Please return that with money to me by Friday. Thanks so much and have a great week!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Read to Self

We have been learning over the last 2 weeks the three ways to read a book and learning the routines for our special time of the day, Read to Self  and they are:
1. Read to pictures
2. Read the words
3. Retell the story
During read to self we will be putting to practice all the skills we will learn throughout the year to become better readers.  We usually do this right after lunch.  I have been telling the kids that in order to get better at anything we need to practice and this is our practice time. Here are some photos of the students reading their picture books

Monday, September 2, 2013

What's Happening this Week?

I hope you all had a nice three day weekend.  This week will be another busy week!  Luckily it won't be quite as hot, but we will still be adjusting to being here all day. 

We will continue learning the routines and expectations for all of our learning activities.  In Reading and Language Arts we will be learning to read all the color words: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, white, gray, brown and black.  Our sight word for the week is the word can.  We will also continue with identifying uppercase and lowercase letters. In math, we will be focusing on numbers 1 through 5.   In Social Studies, we will finish our School Life unit,  learning about our school.  In Religion, we will be discussing this coming Sundays's Gospel. 

If anyone has the time, and would like to come into the classroom and volunteer, please let me know!  You are always welcome.  Also, if you are able to send the extra supplies, it would be much appreciated!