Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What makes a good student?

We have been working and playing hard the last three days!  Last week I asked the kids what they thought made a good student, and what kind of teacher do that want.  Here were their answers.  They are now hanging in the room so we never forget.

I also was finally able to take a group photo of the class today.  One with normal faces and one with silly faces. Of course, we liked the silly faces the best.

Just remember we will be really tired every day.  It's a big adjustment!  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What's Happening this week in kindergarten?

Friday was another great day with the rest of the students.  After reading the book, Pete the Cat, Rocking in my School Shoes, we took a tour of the school looking for Pete the Cat and we were rocking in our school shoes.

This week we will be getting started right away with our learning!   We will start Writer's Workshop, Read to Self, reading and writing color words and  reading and recognizing each others names.  In Math, we will start numbers, and in Social Studies, we will start our unit on School Life.   I'm sure we will be very, very tired by the end of the week and will need to go to bed early everyday!  We will be playing and working so hard! 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

We made it through the day and it was a great one.  I am sure everyone is tired. 
Here is a photo of the students. We only had 8 today and can't wait until everyone is here all together!

 Here is a short video of them telling me what there favorite part of the day was.  We had some great answers.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Whether this is your first or last child starting kindergarten, rest assured they are in a wonderful, caring and safe place.  It is such an exciting time for them.  It may even be a little scary, more so for you in some cases. 

One of the best things about teaching kindergarten is you get to laugh everyday.  They say and do the craziest things.  As the year goes on, I am sure you will be amazed at the progress you see in your children.   I found this video on youtube if you have time share it with your kindergarteners!   It just about says it all. 

Feel free to add comments, share and provide any information on here as the year goes on.  We are all partners in the growth of your children.