Thursday, November 29, 2012

Letter and number reversals

I am often asked about the question of students reversing numbers and letters. As kindergarteners it is very common to reverse the numbers and letters especially b and d, p and q and more. This is  extremely common  and most likely developmental, meaning their brains are still trying to process this information. If you find your child reversing letters and/or numbers please do not worry. I found this article the help you understand this process a little better.

Here are some visuals that can help the students as well. If you noticed your children doing this, just point it out to them and have them redo.

Monday, November 26, 2012

What's Happening This Week?

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we will begin practicing for our annual Christmas program.  I still can't believe how fast the years go. Please make plans to attend.  All are invited.  Including grandparents, siblings, etc.  If this is your first child at Guardian Angels, you are in for a very special treat.  It is being held on Thursday, December 13 at 1:30 in the church.  The children are to wear khaki pants or a skirt for the girls and a white turtleneck or long sleeve shirt.  We have all the costumes for it here at school, so no need to worry about that. 

This week in Language Arts we will be learning the vowel Ii.  We will be using the short sound of i to read and blend CVC words.  In Math, we will continue with addition, decomposing numbers into number pairs.  In Religion, we will be learning our Christmas Carols and practicing in Church.  Our thematic unit this week, will be an author study of Mem Fox.  We will be using her books to learn Social Studies concepts and respond to her stories in Writer's Workshop. 

Here are just a few of her books.  They are available at the library.  She is an amazing children's author!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

7th grade buddies

We had a wonderful time playing board games with our 7th grade buddies yesterday.  There were some great games being played! We also got to sit with them during mass this morning.  I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.  Enjoy the extra days with your family.


Friday, November 16, 2012


Thanks to the PTA for sponsoring COSI again this year. The kindergarteners had a great time and learned a lot about how the body works!  Here are some photos and a video of them during the stations.
They learned about how the body works like a machine and the parts of the body needed to work well.  Thanks to the moms who helped out with COSI today, too.  It is always a fun day for everyone!


Monday, November 12, 2012

What's Happening This Week?

What a wonderful Veteran's Day Celebration.  The kindergarteners were amazing singing their songs and it was very moving.  I saw some Veterans who were a little teary eyed after their performance.  If anyone was there and took pictures or video taped it, send them to me and I will post here. 

This week we will continue with our Thanksgiving unit and we will continue with addition in math.  We will also begin Theme 5.  Our new letters will be Gg and Ff, and our new popcorn words are on and to.

On Friday, report cards for the first trimester will be coming home.  If you have any questions please let know. 

 A huge thank you to the PTA for providing us with the opportunity to have COSI come and visit us on Friday.  It is always a fun, exciting and informational day for the students.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I can't believe Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away.  This week with out Thanksgiving unit, we learned all about Pilgrims and how their lives are similar and different to our lives now, and we have been reading many non-fiction stories about the first Thanksgiving.  Here are some photos of pilgrim portraits the kindergarteners made this week after learning about them.  They worked very hard on these and had a great time making them!

Monday, November 5, 2012

What's Happening This Week?

I hope everyone had a great Halloween.  We had a great party on Wednesday.  Thanks to Ronna Clark and all the moms and dads who came to help!

This week we will start our Thanksgiving Unit.  I can't believe it is that time already! We will learn all about Thanksgiving and integrate it with Writer's Workshop, Social Studies and Language Arts.  In Math, we will start to learn what addition is. and practice addition using pictures.   In Social Studies, we will learn about Cardinal directions, the Mayflower and Pilgrims.  In Religion, we will discuss things we are thankful for. 

On Monday next week, the school will be holding a special Veteran's Day celebration.  It begins at 9:30.  The kindergarteners will be singing a special song.  More information about the whole celebration is in the Wednesday Herald.  Have a great week!