Friday, February 28, 2014

Read the most coast to coast

One of our digital programs we use here at GA and at home for reading and math is called Renaissance Place.  It  has an annual read-a-thon this being the third annual.  The goal is for students to read books and take AR (Accelerated Reader) quizzes 5,000,000 times across the country. 

Here is a link to  the real time count of quizzes taken:

Today, our 7th grade buddies came to visit and read books with us and together we took the AR quizzes.  It was a great time for all.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Everybody Counts

Thank you so much to the PTA and moms who came into the classroom for "Everybody Counts"  Mrs. Mastruserio, Mrs Smith and Mrs Feltman came in to teach our kindergarteners about people who have disabilities.  I know the kids learned alot!  They talked about it long after the moms left.  Thank you again!

Here are some photos of the groups learning more about what it's like to be blind, deaf and a loss of limb. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Another visit from the zoo

We had our second of three visits from the zoo today!  Miss Danielle brought two really cool animals and we learned about different habitats.  First, we learned about deserts and met a bearded dragon named Sarge.  He was very soft and bumby.

We also met a hedgehog named Ghana and learned about the habitat hedgehogs live in.

We will have our last visit in March and we can't wait. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

100th day

We had a lot of fun on the 100th day of school.   We sang songs, read books, made 100th day hats and did 100 fun things.  It is a special day and we always say we are 100 days smarter!

Here is a short video of us singing to 100.
Here is a fun picture of us wearing our 1ooth day hats.

Monday, February 10, 2014

What's Happening This Week?

There are so many things going on this week!  Today we met with our 7th grade buddies to make a Valentine craft.  We also started our mini Valentine's Day unit.  Tomorrow is the 100th day of school!  We will do many  fun and educational math and literacy activities to go along with this day.   It would have been about a week and a half ago, but as you know, this weather has made our schedule crazy!  Friday we will have our Valentine's Day Party.  Thanks again to Amy Smith and the parents who worked so hard to plan this. 
In between all the Valentine and 100th day activities we will be working on finishing our ABC books in Writer's Workshop.  Again, this is so far behind because of the weather as well.  We will also be learning about plane shapes in Math.   In Religion we will be discussing the Holy Trinity and that God created us, Jesus teaches us and the Holy Spirit guides us.

Stay warm and enjoy these pictures of the boys from this morning meeting with our 7th grade buddies.  The girls we upstairs in the Junior High hallway so I didn't get any photos of them.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Catholic Schools Week

It's been a crazy couple of weeks with all the snow days and Catholic Schools Week! We are still getting
a lot of learning in though! Catholic Schools week was a lot of fun with the pep rally, volleyball games, crazy hat day and Penny Fair. Here are some photos from the week.  Not many are from kindergarten, but we enjoyed it all.   Thank you to everyone who helped out, donated and came!  It is all very much appreciated!


Next week will be another busy week with our Valentine's Day Party!  We are also meeting with our 7th grade buddies on Monday.  So much to look forward to.