Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thank you! Thank you!

I just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful cards, treats, flowers and more for teacher appreciation week.  It felt like Christmas or my birthday!  The cards from the kindergarteners were amazing!  Just by watching them illustrate and write their cards you can see how far they have all come this year.  Have a wonderful weekend and thank you all so much!

Monday, April 22, 2013

What's Happening This Week?

This week will be filled with many fun learning opportunities!  We will be learning out last letter:  Uu.  Now we know all the vowels and their short and long sounds.  In Language Arts, we will be building and reading CVC words using all the vowels.  We will be accessing our prior knowledge to help us understand text better and make text to self connections.  In Writer's Workshop, we will be writing and publishing autobiographies.  In Math, we will be reviewing addition and subtraction, measurement  and shapes with review projects.  We will start our Insect Unit for Science and thematic unit.  In Religion, we will be learning about Baptism.

Our eggs are coming along thanks to Mrs. Romeo!  She also brought a hen in this morning to show the children and we all got to see chicks growing inside the egss.  One even has twins!!!!  They should be ready to hatch in about a week.

Here is a photo of the egss and hen. 

Our field trip to the Newport Aquarium is Wednesday, May 8.  We will be leaving school at 9:30 and returning around 1:00.  I will send home a permission form in the next few days, so keep an eye out for it.  The cost will be $9.00 if you do not have a pass and $2.00 if you do.  (The $2.00 is for the bus)

Here is a funny picture for you parents of boys.  I was cleaning my house yesterday and this is what we found under Michael and Matthew's bed.  Unbelievable!  Good thing the caps were still on. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Humpty Dumpty

We had so much fun making our Toontube video for Hey Diddle, Diddle, that we decided to make another one for Humpty Dumpty!  It is so fun to see our cartoon on the Toontube website and on the iPad. 

Here is a link to see it. 

      <iframe src="" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;"
        name="ToontasticiFrame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="363px" width="396px">

I just also wanted to give you some noticed, that in May, we will be going to the Newport Aquarium for our final field trip of the year.  If you have passes, the students do not need to pay for their entrance.  You are more than welcome to join us if you have a pass. 

Have a great weekend!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Stone Soup

Thanks so much for all the wonderful veggies!  We had some amazing Stone Soup.  Everyone tried it and about half liked it.  A few even asked for seconds.  It turned out delicious and nutritious.  Here we are enjoying a bowl and some crackers and butter.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Zoo

We had our final visit from the Zoo yesterday afternoon.  We met a Blue Tongued Skink and an armadillo.  Miss Krista has been great teaching the students about the animals she brought all year long.  Here are some photos of the animals.   In about a month we will be goint to the Newport Aquarium for our final field trip.  It's unbelievable, but we only have about 8 weeks left of kindergarten.  Soon they will all be 1st graders.

Here's just one more reminder to bring your ingredients for the stone soup tomorrow!  We can't wait to eat it.

Monday, April 8, 2013

what's Happening This Week?

I hope you all enjoyed your Easter break whether you were on a vacation or staycation!  I had a great time.  We are glad to have Max and Matteo back from their vacation.

This week we have the Zoo coming for their last visit on Wednesday.  We will be going to mass in honor of Mrs. Moore's 25th year teaching at GA.  Mrs. Romeo will be bringing some eggs and an incubator so we can take care of and watch the eggs hatch. How exciting! 

In language Arts, we will be working on vocab, comprehension skills, and the et, en, and ed word families.  In math, we will start a new chapter on sorting and classifying.  In Religion, we will be discussing Jesus rising from the dead.  Our thematic unit will be birds, perfect timing for the egss. 

On Friday, we will be reading the story, Stone Soup.  To go along with the we will be making stone soup.  I have assigned ingredients for everyone.  A letter explaining all this is being sent home today.  Please bring the ingredients on Friday morning. I will bring my crock pot and the stone.  It is delicious.