Monday, April 22, 2013

What's Happening This Week?

This week will be filled with many fun learning opportunities!  We will be learning out last letter:  Uu.  Now we know all the vowels and their short and long sounds.  In Language Arts, we will be building and reading CVC words using all the vowels.  We will be accessing our prior knowledge to help us understand text better and make text to self connections.  In Writer's Workshop, we will be writing and publishing autobiographies.  In Math, we will be reviewing addition and subtraction, measurement  and shapes with review projects.  We will start our Insect Unit for Science and thematic unit.  In Religion, we will be learning about Baptism.

Our eggs are coming along thanks to Mrs. Romeo!  She also brought a hen in this morning to show the children and we all got to see chicks growing inside the egss.  One even has twins!!!!  They should be ready to hatch in about a week.

Here is a photo of the egss and hen. 

Our field trip to the Newport Aquarium is Wednesday, May 8.  We will be leaving school at 9:30 and returning around 1:00.  I will send home a permission form in the next few days, so keep an eye out for it.  The cost will be $9.00 if you do not have a pass and $2.00 if you do.  (The $2.00 is for the bus)

Here is a funny picture for you parents of boys.  I was cleaning my house yesterday and this is what we found under Michael and Matthew's bed.  Unbelievable!  Good thing the caps were still on. 

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