Monday, September 30, 2013

What's Happening This Week?

This week we will be doing many fun things!  In Language Arts we will be learning the letter Ss and it's sound and blending letters Ss with Aa and Mm to read words.  We will also learn the sight word see.  We will continue to learn about nouns being naming words that name a person, place or thing.  And we will be talking about non-fiction texts. 

In Math, we will learn the number 8 and 9, ways to make eight and nine, and compare numbers 0-9. 

In Science, we will be discussing how an apple grows, parts of a tree and the seasons of an apple tree.

In Religion, we will be discussing the ways to pray.

Next week on Monday, interim reports will be coming home.   Also look for an email for parent teacher conferences.  They will be held the week of Oct 21. I will send home a schedule of available times. 

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